Weekly Services
9:45am- Sunday School
10:45am- Worship Service
Wednesday Nights:
(Childcare through 5th grade provided)
6:00pm- Fellowship
6:30pm- Bible Study
7:15pm- Prayer Time
At Cornerstone, we desire to make disciples out of the students God brings to us by impacting them and their families with biblical truth. We want to see students changed by challenging them to understand and take ownership of their faith. We know that when our students are loving God and others, and making disciples, they are building habits that last a lifetime.
Our vision is to share Christ into the hearts of the students of Pampa- to equip youth with God's Word, and to unite youth and their parents in an understanding of the Gospel.
We seek to see students and their families come alive with the hope that Jesus gives, and we believe that if we prepare youth for life it will impact not only them, but their friends, their families, and the lost.
We meet weekly on Sundays from 3:00-5:00pm for a time of Bible study and prayer, as well as Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30 for Sunday School. During the year there are a number of events, including youth camp, missions opportunities, leadership classes, winter retreat, and a number of fun excursions to places like a hockey game or bowling.
If you are a student, and you are seeking a place where you can learn more about God while having fun at the same time, Cornerstone Youth is the place for you. God has a place for you here.