Weekly Services
9:45am- Sunday School
10:45am- Worship Service
Wednesday Nights:
(Childcare through 5th grade provided)
6:00pm- Fellowship
6:30pm- Bible Study
7:15pm- Prayer Time

"So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it." -2 Corinthians 5:9
The women's ministry at Cornerstone brings women of all ages together in a variety of ways to help them develop deeper relationships with Christ through prayer, the study of Scripture, and mutual encouragement in the faith. We seek to build up the women of the Church by encouraging them in their walk with Christ both individually and corporately. To do this, we use a variety of different fellowship opportunities, including:
-Sunday School at 9:45 am on Sundays. There are several classes on Sunday morning to allow our women to study God’s Word together and share their life experiences with others.
-WOM: Our Women On Missions (WOM) group is praying for missionaries all over the world. They guide our congregation in giving to the Cooperative Program so that foreign and home missionaries can be provided with the support they so desperately need, and WOM also consistently finds ways to serve our community, such as through the Teddy Bear Ministry This group meets when possible to make and deliver teddy bears to the local hospital and law enforcement agencies. These bears are a source of comfort to a child during a time of extreme distress and with the little scripture sewn into each bear, can be a practical way to share God’s encouraging Word with those who are in need.