Weekly Services
9:45am- Sunday School
10:45am- Worship Service
Wednesday Nights:
(Childcare through 5th grade provided)
6:00pm- Fellowship
6:30pm- Bible Study
7:15pm- Prayer Time
Because of our belief that Acts 1:8 provides clear direction for how to prioritize outreach, we focus first on outreach to the Pampa area, through participating in a variety of events and community activities. Below is a partial list of our local outreach ministries:
Teddy Bear Ministry: The ladies of Women on Mission create and distribute bears to local hospitals and law enforcement agencies to be given to children in emergency situations.
Go and Do: This ministry is a catch-all for projects around our community. Whether we are serving by cleaning up a park, prepping senior adults' cars for the winter, helping families with groceries or gasoline, or doing any of a number of other things, the title says it all. We believe that we are called to go find those in need and do something about it.